Dear customers,as long time-active crossbowmen we often had to be annoyed with material problems and mispurchases.
Thus the idea was born to present the crossbow only as a product and sports equipment of very high quality. It is our goal to substitute insufficient counselling or incomprehensible product descriptions with our own experience and initiative.
Our assortment consists of products whose material, workmanship and useful properties have convinced us by personal use. If you will buy a crossbow on ARROW IN APPLE you will always get an personal recommendation too. Our customers profit from:
- our direct import of all the crossbows we offer
- our own measurements, comparisons, manufacturer’s instructions, tests and constant practical experiences also using the only scientific german book written by Dr. Egon Harmuth “Die Armbrust” and the volume “The book of the Crossbow” by Ralph Payne Gallway
- our meticulous inquiries by manufacturers, merchants and sports fans
In the meantime “ARROW IN APPLE” has evolved through these standards. We enjoy “ARROW IN APPLE” and solely focused on the crossbow and the crossbow sport. On our website we want to present our knowledge and experience further on for everybody and free of charge even for other merchants.
The information we present will never be “complete”, regardless their depth. However, we verify new assumptions and your special experiences and try to let them influence our descriptions. Please disclose your opinion regarding our articles to us!